Below you'll find some links to companies/sites that we work with, that are run by our friends or just some cool sites in general. Enjoy.
You can also visit our MySpace page and become friends with us if you want.

Antennas - official home page
Black Belt - official home page
Existensminimum - official home page
Pascal - official home page

Bonnier Amigo - our Scandinavian distributor
Family Affair - our Italian distributor
Music Farmers - our Australian distributor
Beat Agency - Black Belt's booking agency
Luger - Existensminimum's and Pascal's booking agency
The Agency Group - Antennas booking agency
Under the Stars, Me! - Our German booking agency
MySpace - Our MySpace page

DGR - Great swedish mailorder company
Hot Stuff - Another cool swedish mailorder company
Tone Vendor - A great american mailorder company
Parasol - Another great american mailorder company

Music Download Shops:
Klicktrack - Buy our and other cool music this great download store
iTunes Music Store - Buy our music from the #1 download store

Record Shops:
Pet Sounds - The best record shop in Scandinavia
Rough Trade - The best record shops in London
Other Music - The best record shop in New York

Friends & Other:
Vesper - A cool record label run by our friend Pierre
Subspace - Another cool record label run by good friends
Propellerheads - The makers of Reason and ReBirth, and our friends
It's A Trap - A great webzine (and mailorder) dedicated to the promotion of Scandinavian music to an international audience.
Rock Sellout - A cool music blog
Andreas Tilliander - A great artist who remixed Antennas
Radio LXMBRG - A really cool band (do check them out)
The Baboon Show - Another really cool band for you to check out
Andreas Karperyd - A true friend and a great designer
Andreas Avelin - Another great designer and the drummer of Black Belt
Pluxemburg - The label of Pluxus and Andreas Tilliander